Thursday, 7 February 2013

Moo and gender stereotype questionair

This is Moo

She is a true beauty, and basically a strong melee female character.
With her soulless dead eyes.

Throwing her weight around and smacking people with her big meaty hands in her specialty.

All the poly's go into her face to enable smoother blend shapes and facial animation.

And blend shapes for her eyes, mouth, nose, brows and bottom row of teeth.
There's about 3 times the amount of blend shapes then below.

She still lacks texture 
For her I am going to do a chunky normal map for her and use the channels from that for the texture. 
or the basic guidelines for the texture.

Psychology students questionnaire

A 3rd year student in psychology was looking for games design stunts who were interested in taking a questionnaire about gender stereotypes within games.
So I was obviously up for it considering my whole MA subject. It wasn't a long meeting I had with her in the library but it did open my eyes to both male and females.
She had a 2 mood-board's one of males, and the other of females of characters from different genres.

She simply asked to note anything down and say what we thought of what we saw.

And both side, to me, were pretty bad. Females may have it worse, as being noted as the more 'sexual' gender does have some pretty harsh side effects in reality.
But males are also lumped into some bland repetitive stereotypes combining:
Physical strength, aggression, lack of emotions, and the same body build of huge muscles.

So in spirit of doing more male characters. And involving males as well as females:

Had a go at doing a male lemur, he's unfinished as I've started on another project (also going to involve male characters!)

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