Been trying to figure out a story for the little group of characters.
And trying to figure out how these characters would work in a game.
Social based games seem to work better for my characters. As they don't involve combat.
Influences being the heavy amounts of dialog from the Phoenix write franchise.
And the social link's form persona 3
So the basics of the game i would create with these character
The basic story line i have right now is:
* The 4 teenage character's parents are acting strange.
* They all find out that it's not just there parents who are acting up.
* They spy on one of there parents.
*Uncover why there parents are acting so strange.
(Okay this is the part i'm still working on.)
Something to go with ghosts/demons that posses and control there host.
Not sure what there big goal is.
But they feed on emotions, they try to make there host they are possessing worry and feel terrible about how the demon/ghost is making them act.
So at the start of the story Tetra's mother is currently possessed.
Tetra's storms out to go meet coats before going to school.
Tetra and Weathercoat's parents.
Tanisha is usually a kind and caring mother who likes to think she's ''down with the kids'' very lenient.
Maroon is a harsh and ignorant father. He isn't proud of weathercoats and his passion's.
Tory on the other hand got weathercoats into clothes and only encouraged him. Although somewhat regrets it thinking she has babied him to much.
Tutorial after the introductory scene.
After this piece of story would be some form of tutorial on how the socializing works.
In the tutorial Weathercoats would be used.
The goal in the tutorial is to act friendly or mean to weathercoats.
The player may ask questions to weathercoats about how his parents are acting.
Eventually he will then open up to you because he and Tetra are already friends.
You can either make fun of him for opening up and talking about his feelings or sympathize and be supportive.
Making fun of him will stop him from opening up and not wanting to talk about his parental issues.
being supportive will make the conversation last longer and possibly getting a little more information out of him.
I am unsure how the socializing parts will look. I created some layout for the DS. But most system are a one screen system so i will have to make some layouts for single screens.
After the tutorial Chris and Bex would be introduced.
Chris being a sort of bully calling weathercoats names.
This would give the player another chance to gain weathercoat's friendship if they made fun of him the first time.
The player could also talk to Chris.
Either supporting the choice to bully Weathercoats.
Or tell him off for doing so.
Then the game would skip to a cut scene being held once school has finished.
This would be where the children stumble upon the ghosts for the first time.
After this Tetra now has the ability to go into her friends subconscious at night time when they are asleep.
This would be the main mechanic to the game.
In the day time you can talk to the characters.
And at night time you can use the information you got form them.
You will get little to no information if you are cruel or make fun of them if they open up.
Good work Tasha