Thursday 6 February 2014


Things I will need to do

Well after thinking I could edit a mo-cap'ed rig in maya, and tried it.

Well. Turns out I cannot.
As every keyframe is already key'd.
SO I now have to learn how to edit motion capture data or clean it up in Motion builder.

So It's time to look at tutorials...

Tutorials: (Cleaning up a walk cycle)

Also Looking into the rendering that'll come soon enough!  Toon shader. Toon and outline rendering.

Soon to go have a go at editing motion capture date. (Which to me is pretty scary as i'm still pretty unsure how to use this new software!)

Actual solid work- Animatic

An animatic is what comes after a story board, but before an animation.
Basically an animated story board.
-To show roughly what actions the characters will do.
-How long each scene lasts for
-Camera angels and actions.

I planned out roughly how long my animation will be! And it will be 3 minutes.

And to make this it was..A LOT of sketches to make it!

And here it is!!

Timing was also something that took a while to get right. How long should each part last? How fast should the characters move? Does the dialog stay n the screen long enough? All this will probably be edited when doing the final thing!